REST API Overview

Information about the resources available through PaerspioTalk's API.

PerspioTalk provides interfaces to interact with the data and configurability of your Perspio tenant. The PerspioTalk APIs attempt to use predictable, resource-oriented URLs and use HTTP status codes to indicate errors.


RESTful Principles

PerspioTalk APIs follow REST standards and will only respond to valid HTTP requests


Base URL

The base URL for all PerspioTalk resources is
See Base URL


Request Methods

PerspioTalk APIs support GET, PUT, POST, PATCH and DELETE methods.
See Request Methods


Rate Limiting & Quotas

Rate limiting and quotas are enforced at both a client and tenant level
See Rate Limiting & Quotas


OAuth 2.0 Authentication

PerspioTalk uses OAuth2.0 as its authorisation framework. The authorisation process generates an access_token, which is required to make subsequent API calls to any PerspioTalk endpoint. You will need to follow either the Client Credentials Flow or the Authorization Code Flow to generate an access_token.


JSON Format

Data returned from PerspioTalk endpoints will generally be JSON for all requests.


TLS 1.2 Minimum

PerspioTalk uses TLS 1.2/1.3 to encrypt communications. When selecting an HTTP client, ensure it’s compatible with TLS 1.2 as a minimum.


ISO 8601 Date and Time Format

All date and time fields in Perspio should conform to ISO 8601 standards.