Create Application

A new API application is required to be created within the Perspio web app before you can successfully authenticate with any of the PerspioTalk endpoints. This application will be linked to the scope of a specific tenant where all associated consumption of the application will be associated.



You will need a user account with the administrator role to create a new application within Perspio. Please feel free to contact [email protected] for any user account questions.



Head over to to create a new application

Add Application Wizard (Perspio Admin)

  1. Click Add Application on the Admin / API page.
Admin / API

Admin / API

  1. Provide a meaningful Description of your application, then click Create
Admin / API / Add Application

Admin / API / Add Application (Step 1)

  1. Please make sure to record the client_secret provided in the confirmation step of the new app wizard.
Admin / API / Add Application (Step 2)

Admin / API / Add Application (Step 2)



The client_secret will not change and is not retrievable after this step. You can always generate a new client_secret by managing the API application within Perspio. You will not be able to see this "secret" after you leave this screen.

  1. Retrieve the other unique values you will require from the application details screen.


Key Properties

  • Application Client ID (client_id)
  • Application Client Secret (client_secret)
  • Perspio Tenant ID (tid)
  • Perspio Tenant Subscription Key (Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key)



These credentials can grant access to resources within your Perspio tenant. They must be kept secret and never used in publicly accessible code - this includes code repositories, distributed native application code and client-side code.

Once you have created your application, you need to record the key properties listed above to consume the PerspioTalk APIs.

Redirect URI

If you intend to use the Authorisation Code Flow, you will need to consider your Redirect URI carefully.

During the OAuth 2.0 flow, an interactive login is required from within a browser to authenticate and authorise the application to take actions on its behalf. Before redirecting the user after successful authentication, Perspio verifies that the redirect_uri parameter passed into the authorisation URL matches the one configured on the application.


URI Precise Matching

This will be an exact match check, meaning the URIs must be the same. Localhost and loopback address redirect URIs will be permitted to redirect to any port, but the scheme, domain, path and query parameters must match one of the configured URIs.

The Redirect URI will be configured as http://localhost if not provided.

Please feel free to ask for your URI to be changed by contacting support. These must be valid URIs that are HTTPS or a less secure HTTP for localhost or loopback address. Only one URI can be associated with an application.