Get Access Token - Authorization Code

The Authorization Code Flow is the only way to get an acess_token with the privileges required to perform read and write operations. If your integration only requires reading data from Perspio, consider the Client Credentials Flow first.

An access_token can be retrieved in two steps:

Step 1 - Get Authorization Code: Direct your application to our authorisation endpoint, where an interactive login is required to generate an Authorization Code code. You will need information from Preqreusite B to complete this step.

Step 2 - Get Access Token: The Authorisation Code (code) received is then exchanged for an access_token + refresh_token on the token endpoint. You will need the code from step 1 and information from prerequisite A to complete this step.


Authorisation Code Flow


Prerequisite A

You have created an application in the desired Perspio tenant and have been able to record the following information:

  • Client Id (client_id)
  • Client Secret (client_secret)

This information is provided when creating or managing an application within the Perspio web app.


Prerequisite B

You have created an api user in the desired application and have been able to record the following information:

This information is provided when creating or manger a user within the Perspio web app.

Step 1 - Get Authorization Code

Construct URL for interactive login in browser

This is the first step in the authorisation code flow to complete an interactive login with the credentials of an API user. Compose the URL as shown by replacing the {client-id} property with the client_id of your target application (Prerequisite A).

Authorisation Endpoint

URL Query String (Encoded)

Request Parameters

client_idYesclient_id (Prerequisite A)
redirect_uriYesSpecify the redirect URI of your app. If not specified, use http://localhost
scopeYesapi://perspiotalk/access_as_user (URL encoded)
response_modeOptional (Recommended)query
stateOptional (Recommended)A randomly generated unique string. This will be returned in the response and typically used to prevent cross-site forgery attacks.


Example URL{client-id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost&response_mode=query&scope=api%3A%2F%2Fperspiotalk%2Faccess_as_user&state=random

Navigate to constructed URL and complete the interactive login

You will be presented with a login window requiring the API user credentials (Prerequisite B). To avoid cookies and cache from previous logins, it is recommended to do this in a new private/incognito browser.

Retrieve the authorisation code from the HTTP response

The code can be found in the query parameters of the URL redirect.

GET http://localhost?

Response Parameters - Success

codeThe authorisation code that was requested and can be exchanged for an access token.
stateThe value of the state parameter, if supplied in the request. Your app can use this to compare against the value sent in the request.

Response Parameters - Error

errorAn error code string representing the underlying error
error_descriptionA description that can help find the cause of the error



A valid Authorisation Token should be found in a successful response payload's code property. This token ( code) is temporary and can be exchanged for an Access Token (see next step).


Authorisation Code Expiry

The code will remain valid for only 60 seconds!

Step 2 - Get Access Token

An access_token can be retrieved by making a single POST request to the authorisation endpoint and asserting the 'access_token' property from the response.



You will need the information for Prerequisites A

  • Client Id (client_id)
  • Client Secret (client_secret)

You will need the authorisation code from the previous step.

  • Authorisation Code (code)

Token Endpoint:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

POST /7d548d61-6361-4a6e-85e6-509e2c05d05e/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Request Parameters

client_idRequiredSpecify the client id received as part of the application credential
client_secretRequiredSpecify the client secret received as part
codeRequiredauthorisation_code acquired from previous step
redirect_uriRequiredSpecify the redirect URI of your app. If not specified, use http://localhost (Same as what was passed for authorisation code request)_

Response Example

    "access_token": "eyBYY...",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3599,
    "scope": "api://perspiotalk/access_as_user",
    "refresh_token": "AwBB...",
    "id_token": "eyJ0...",

Response Parameters

access_tokenAccess token that can be used to access PerspioTalk resources/operations
token_typeThe only type supported is Bearer
expires_inToken expiry period
scopeThe scopes that the access is valid for.
refresh_tokenThe refresh token can be used to fetch a new access token. When the access token expires, send a POST request /token endpoint, but use an access token in place of an authorisation code. A new Access Token ( & refresh token) will be returned.
id_tokenJWT can be used to decode user information.



A valid access token and refresh token can now be found in the JSON response properties of a successful response payload.

Use Access Token

The access token can now be used as a Bearer Token to access all of the documented PerspioTalk resources. To see how to use your access token, check out: Use Access Token

Refresh Access Token

In case of extended running operations or the access token expiry, a new access token can be requested in exchange for the refresh token. To see how to refresh your access token, check out: Refresh Access Token