Rate Limiting & Quotas

Global Rate Limits

The PerspioTalk APIs have rate limits to protect our services from API traffic spikes that could put our servers at risk. To safeguard all systems and clients from the actions of a single actor, limits are placed on how many requests can be made in a short period (rate limit) and over a more extended period (quota).

You should not experience these errors in the course of normal operations for the vast majority of integrations. You can view system logs within Perspio to help you understand the volume and pattern of your requests.

TypeRequests / SizePeriodScope
Rate Limit2090 secondsApplication
Quota100001 HourTenant
Bandwidth40MB1 HourTenant



Rate limits are applied at the application level. Meaning rate limits would be applied independently if different integrations were using multiple applications.

Quotas are applied at the tenant level. Meaning all applications would draw down from a single pooled quota per tenant. Additional quota blocks can be purchased to increase the standard monthly limit.


Suggested Frequency

We usually recommend a maximum frequency of one call per asset every 10 minutes.

If you have reason to be doing a high volume of API requests in a short period (e.g. over 6000 in 10 minutes) or believe you will be doing a large number of API calls in a week (e.g. above 2.4 million a week), please discuss these use cases in advance with us.

Handling Rate Limits

If you're reaching the rate limit, please get in touch. The most obvious fix is usually to improve performance by restructuring the architecture of your integration, but we're happy to help where we can. When an application hits a rate limit, the API will return an API response with an HTTP status code of 429 Too Many Requests.

The response will include the following header:

Retry-AfterSuggested time to wait before retrying (in seconds).

You should use the Retry-After header in order to appropriately back off the endpoint so that you do not get rate-limited again.