Windows Deployment

Steps to deploy PerspioAgent on a Windows machine.

Deployment Steps


Before you begin!

Ensure you have:

  • Received a unique PerspioAgent Auth Key from the support team
  • Downloaded the PerspioAgent installation script (InstallGatewayOnLocalMachine.ps1)
  • Downloaded the Microsoft Integration Runtime (IntegrationRuntime_5.23.8355.1.msi)
  1. Launch PowerShell in administrator mode
  2. Identity the path (%filepath%) where you downloaded the PowerShell script installer
  1. Identify the path where you downloaded SHIR MSI
  1. Execute the following command in your PowerShell terminal
C:\windows\system32> C:\%filepath%\InstallGatewayOnLocalMachine.ps1 -path "C:\%filepath%\IntegrationRuntime_5.12.7984.1" -authKey "[key]"



Replace [key] with the authentication key provided by Inauro

  1. Confirm that Succeed to install gateway and Succeed to register gateway are outputs within your local PowerShell console

Installation validation

  1. Make sure NT SERVICE\DIAHostService service account has the permission of Log on as a service

Validation Steps

  1. Double click the following task tray icon on the VM you installed the agent

  1. Confirm the manager UI looks like below